This bag is very nice. Extremely satisfied with the size and craftsmanship.
Great fit, the material is super comfy. The fact it subtly says “I’m a pilot” instead of screaming it out loud makes me happy. Still have to explain the $100 hamburger to people when they ask wtf, but it is what is it. Lolol
I bought this as a valentine’s gift for my boyfriend, and he loves it! He was needing a good quality flight bag for school and this one checks all the boxes. It’s not bulky, but still fits all the essentials. Plus, the design is very sleek and looks great while carrying. Overall I’d recommend :)
A really nice and well made flight bag. I have had many comments on it and how it looks. The only miss was they didn’t have a stip on the inside for a clip attachment or quick reach for a pen. The mesh compartments are nice and hold well. Very thoughtful design. Gonna use it til the wheels fall off!